10 Essential Elements Of Great Website Design For A Local Business

10 Essential Elements Of Great Website Design For A Local Business

When asked to create a web design, one of the primary considerations that a web design agency will have, is the type of business the website is for. It stands to reason that a website for a local landscape garden company is going to be different for a self-help consultant who works for clients all over the world.

Given that there are likely to be more local business owners reading this than those looking for clients on another continent, we are going to focus on what it takes to make a great web design for a local company so that it achieves the aims that its owners have for it. There are ten in all, so let us get started.

#1: A Design Suitable For A Local Business

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you would be amazed how many local businesses have a web design that is inappropriate for their business sector and their target audience. It needs to be responsive for mobile users, provide great user experiences, so that means a clean layout, and include clear calls to action.

#2 – Easy Navigation

Touching on user experience again, your web design needs to have navigation that anyone can understand, and use to visit the other pages on your website. All it takes is a simple menu at the top or side of each page.

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